german spitz

ear triangular, pointed, erect upwards
tail very bushy, upright, folded forward and rolled over the back
federation FCI nomenclature group 5 section 4 no 182
The name German Spitz (Deutscher Spitz), according to the standards of the International Cynological Federation, brings together a set of breeds of dogs which, although sharing many morphological characteristics, are today differentiated by their size and their color, but having in common, like many breeds from the former countries of glaciation, by small pointed and erect ears, as well as by a tail proudly erect "trumpet" above their hindquarters. The German Spitz are attached to the 5th group (Spitz and primitive type dogs) and, within this group, to section 4 (European Spitz)
It is likely that the original type, common to all breeds of German Spitz, was the current Wolf Spitz. The diversification and miniaturization of types were in fact accentuated, through selection, from the Victorian era (second half of the 19th century). The German Spitz is a direct descendant of the Stone Age bog dog Canis familiaris palustris Rüthimeyer and later "lake city dogs". It is believed to be the oldest surviving breed in all of central and eastern Europe. Historical role Due to the absence of the slightest hunting instinct, and its distrust of all those who are unknown to it, the Spitz has found a natural place as guardian and sentry, always quick to give the alert and rarely running away. The 19th century led to the creation of smaller and smaller types, intended to provide companion dogs, suitable for apartment living.