
region Middle East/FCI
cut 58 to 71cm
weight 14 to 25 kg
hair  The smooth and short dress is well plated
dress white, cream, deer fawn, gold, red, gray with yellow or charcoal, tricolor (white, black and yellow or charcoal) as well as black with yellow or charcoal, or variations of these colors
head long, narrow and dry
eyes dark to medium brown are oval in shape, large and expressive
ear set high, long, stretching at least to the corner of the lips which are tightly pressed to the head and hang down
behaviour Voluntary, vital, cuddly, impulsive, reserved towards strangers.
federation FCI Nomenclature Group 10 Section 1 No. 269
Care: It requires little care, brush daily. Utility: Companion dog and family dog, it requires a lot of outings. Life expectancy: 11 to 12 years
As countries of origin of the Saluki, Asia Minor, Syria and Persia are indicated, where dogs of this type were already represented on ancient frescoes. Its name is deduced from the ancient Greek city of Seleukia. But there are also mentions to the ancient Arab city of Saluk whose dog breeding is said to have been famous. A large number of paintings in the tombs of Egyptian kings show dogs of the Saluki type, such as among others the paintings found in the burial of Thutmosis III created around 1400 BC. In the tomb of the pharaoh Anteph (3000 years before J.-Chr.), we found a parchment representing the favorite dog of the pharaoh, this one evoking a Saluki. All representations and descriptions suggest that this breed has remained unchanged through millennia and that territorial differentiations only concern size, coloring and the nature of the coat. Because of its importance to nomadic families, it received preferential treatment. To save him from fatigue or the exposure of his paws to the hot sand during their long desert crossings, the Saluki always sat in front of his master in the saddle of the horse or camel. As soon as a herd of gazelles or antelopes appeared, the dog flew at speeds of up to 60 km/h, pushed an animal out of the herd and chased it until it collapsed. The arrival of the Saluki in Europe dates from the beginning of the 19th century when it first appeared in England. From there it spread, but never as widely as other dog breeds. On the race courses, the Saluki was present for the first time in 1927 at the great stadium of Wembley (London). His debut as a show dog as a gazelle dog took place around 1900.