
cut Males: 61 to 68 cm at the withers - Females: 53 to 63 cm at the withers
weight Male: around 48- Female: 40kg
hair  of medium length, hard to the touch, smooth and tight; hides a soft undercoat underneath
dress black and tan
head flat and wide
eyes brown, of medium size, the eyes of the Rottweiler are almond-shaped
ear medium and triangular, they have the particularity of being separated from each other; when the rottweiler pulls them forward, its head appears even wider
tail long natural, carried hanging or saber, never rolled up or deviated laterally. In countries where tail docking is still permitted, cut at the level of the first or second vertebra
behaviour faithful, courageous, protective, intelligent, docile, zealous, sporty, peaceful, robust, noble paces
federation Nomenclature FCI group 2 section 2 no 147
Legislation In certain cantons in Switzerland (in particular Geneva), the reproduction and the acquisition of Rottweilers, as well as other breeds considered dangerous, are prohibited. In France, the law of January 6, 1999, on so-called dangerous dogs, classifies the Rottweiler in category n°2, that is to say “guard and defense dogs”. Thus, identification by microchip or tattoo, vaccination against rabies, proof of civil liability insurance, declaration to the town hall and detention permit are compulsory. In addition, the dog must wear a muzzle and be kept on a leash by an adult on public roads. Minors, adults under guardianship, people with a criminal record number 2 and people whose custody of a dog has been withdrawn are not allowed to own a Rottweiler
In Roman times, mastiffs, ancestors of our Rottweilers today, guarded the cattle intended to feed the legionnaires during major military campaigns. Once past the Alps, the Romans progressed to Germania, where they set up garrisons, notably at Rottweil, in the region of Württemberg. In the Middle Ages, Rottweil became a very prosperous city, with strong commercial activity. It is at this time that we find the ancestor of the Rottweiler under the name of metzgerhund (literally "butcher's dog"), because at the time it precisely accompanied the butchers, acting as herdsman (guard and driving oxen) and guard dogs for the masters. Over time, the breed became more homogeneous and it was at the end of the 19th century that the name Rottweiler or German Cattle Dog appeared, when it was presented at an exhibition in 1892. The ban on the transport of cattle being decreed at the beginning of the 20th century, the Rottweiler loses its job and almost disappears. But he obtained his "retraining" during the First World War in the military field, as well as on the farm. Internationally, the Rottweiler first conquered the United States between the two wars, where it was recognized in 1935, while it took until 1966 to see it in England and the 70s in France. Currently we can say that he has caught up and is fourth in the "hit parade" of births in France. Given its success and mass production, the breed is plagued with dysplasia issues, bone disorders, and entropion (inward rolling of the eyelids).