Canarian Mastiff

region Spain
cut 61 to 66 cm for the male and 57 to 62 cm for the female
weight about 50 kg for the male and 40 for the female
hair  short, without, undercoat, rather rough.
dress fawn or tabby. Tiger subjects present a wide range of colors, from very dark to light gray with a fairly cold tone.
Health It is a very robust dog, but its growth must be carefully monitored. Average life expectancy: about 10 years Living conditions Considering its function as a guardian, the garden is its ideal environment, but nothing prevents it from living in an apartment, provided it gets enough physical exercise. At home, he is calm, clean and very vigilant: no one will enter without his authorization. Remarks and advice His aggressiveness should not be stimulated too much: he is a very good goalkeeper and defender without any particular training.
This molosser originates from the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, in the Canary archipelago, where he was born as a fighting dog. He descends from the Bardino, a dog from the island of Fuerteventura, very aggressive and fighter, but not very big. Its size was increased by crossing with the Mastiff and other large molossers present in the islands. In 1946, when dog fighting was outlawed, the Dogo canario came close to total extinction; later, a few enthusiasts, supported by the Councilor for Agriculture and Fishing in the Canary Islands, made it possible to recover the breed, which was recently recognized by the FCI.
The Dogo canario is a dog that has a great aptitude for guarding and defending work and which has played the role of Herdsman in the past, but has mainly been used as a fighting dog. He possesses an impetuous temper, very courageous and practically insensitive to pain. Given his past, he is quite a brawler with other dogs; towards the man, on the other hand, it is very balanced. Very attached to his master, he is reserved towards strangers. At home, he is docile and affectionate.